Dying To Be Me, by Anita Moorjani

. This. Watch. This. I can tell you from personal, first-hand experience that you do not have to die to leave your body. Further, once you leave your body fully enough to experience even portions of what Anita experienced, you will inevitably have more joy and more love—both to experience for yourself and to flow to others. Now get this: with that experience, you come to fully understand where love comes from. Then you have an endless supply of it. Truly endless. (Though that ...Read More Read more »

I want you to find here some Love. Some Life. Some Smarts.

Unknown-5 And perhaps just a little of loving life’s marts. For trading what one has to share is the route to riches, both financial and heartfelt; and money really can buy love and happiness.  This truth is not fair, but it is a truth; money can too buy happiness—of sorts, at least. It affords one the wherewithal to enjoy the happiness of pursuit, with some capture, some wins. Those wins are ...Read More Read more »